Have a Ticky-Tacky Christmas

Tuesday, I went to a friend’s home that was decked out for Christmas. The tree was dressed with gold, red and ivory ornaments – evenly spaced – and finished off with a massive amount of tiny white lights. Beautiful and elegant.

IMGA0936Later that night, I studied our tree. Not quite the same.

Perhaps it’s because the tree is obviously plastic. The branches are shiny, some bent upward at a 90-degree angle to hold heavy ornaments. Maybe it’s because half of our ornaments sit at the very top of the tree, a necessity because our cats believe theDSC00762 Christmas tree is the greatest toy EVER created. Thanks to the latter, a significant number of our figurines could star in Boxing Helena.

But here’s the thing. I love it.

IMGA0935The tree is full of memories from three generations. I have a felt teddy bear my grandmother made, long before fabric glue was invented. And then there are the special pieces from the first Christmas my husband and I spent together. He decorated my Ficus with sparkly ornaments and lights (20 different flashing patterns straight from the Vegas strip.) Two of the ornaments have survived the cats, but this year, the lights finally gave out. I’ve kept them anyway.

We have the kids’ homemade beauties. Every time we hang my daughter’s shimmering gingerbread man, I’m reminded of the festival at which she depleted the church’s supply of glitter glue.

But it’s not just the tree. One of my favorite pieces is the advent calendar myIMGA0917 grandmother made us. Oh, we loved pinning “ornaments” on the felt tree. These trinkets consist of Cracker Jack prizes from my dad’s youth. My favorite is the Glenn Miller album. My kids are already talking about who will get this cherished piece when I’m dead. I guess that’s a sweet thought.

Whether your home is decorated with plastic, mangled pieces or is a designer showcase out of “Southern Living,” I hope it fills you with joy. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with good health, much love and great peace.

10 thoughts on “Have a Ticky-Tacky Christmas

  1. I gave all the homemade ornaments to my kids when they got married. So now I have one of those pretty Christmas trees. I kind of miss the gaudy stuff. Maybe my 3-year-old grandson will bring me one he made. Crossing my fingers. .

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Chris,


  2. Our tree is like that… without the cats. When the boys were little, they had a “tradition” of knocking over the Christmas tree every year. I didn’t think anything could make me more crazy until we got a dog that insisted on peeing on it. I almost didn’t survive Christmas that year.

    Have a Merry Christmas, Chris. Enjoy your tree, family and lots of holiday treats.

    Kristin Noel Fischer

  3. Chris, I agree. The holiday memories are what matter whether it’s having to put the tree in the playpen or finally finding your lost car keys hanging next to the Grinch ornament. -Jillian

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